Step 1 of 5 20% Have you ever wondered if your investments align with what you value most? When you invest you become a shareholder or owner. As an owner, it’s important to know how the companies you’re invested in make money. You’d be proud to own certain companies because they’re filling a need and truly blessing mankind. On the other hand, there are some you want to avoid investing in because they make money from products or services that do not align with your deepest core values. Please select any products or services that you want to actively avoid promoting or profiting from. Fieldset Description Values Against* Abortion Alcohol Gambling Tobacco Pornography Anti-Family Entertainment Other Other Products & Services You Want to AvoidEnter Other Products & Services You Want to Avoid Now that you’ve identified what you’d like to avoid, let’s identify what you’d be proud to own. The institution of business has a unique ability to fill a need, create true value and positively impact the world. Please select any products or services that you want to actively promote or profit from that are positively impacting the world. Fieldset Description Values Support* Cybersecurity Renewable Energy Global Access to Education Environmental Sustainability Consumer Convenience Curing Diseases Evolution to the Cloud Fair Labor Practices Other Other Products & Services You Want to PromoteEnter Other Products & Services You Want to Promote Most Important YES NO*Thanks for sharing what is most important to you! Based on these answers, do you know if your current investments align with your values? Yes No That’s great! We believe questions like these are extremely important and it seems like you do too! If you would like to continue the conversation and learn how OneAscent can integrate your values into your entire financial plan, please share your info below and we’ll reach out.Don't worry, you are not alone! Our technology allows us to screen your current investments against the values you’ve just listed as most important and simply let you know where you stand. If there are any violations, we’ll recommend alternative options and help you make the changes. We’ll just need a bit of info to get started.My name isFirst Name*Last Name*. I have Asset Range*Asset RangeLess than $500,000$500,000 to $1,000,000$1,000,000 to $3,000,000$3,000,000 or morein cash and investment accounts. I am currently Age Range*Age Range18 to 2930 to 3940 to 4950 to 5960 to 6970 to 7980 or olderyears old and I am currentlyRetirement Status*Retirement Statusretirednot retired. My email is Email* , my phone number isPhone*, and my zip code isAddress* ZIP Code . Δ Questions? Reach out to us. 509-396-0031